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Do You wonder about your further development?

 You would like to increase  sales figures using trainer’s techniques.

Perhaps, in nearest future you are going to conduct your own successful trainings, where you will be able to develop your trainer skills for all international markets. 


We  invite all leaders desiring new challenges to our Sales Trainers School.


Sales Power Coach Academy® is one of authorized training projects

by Sales Power School®





Sales Power Coach Academy®  

Train the trainers workshops by Sales Power School





Sales Power Coach Academy

Czech Edition in Prague




The dates of SPCA Edition in Prague have been changed.


We will start 29-30th September 2022


All applications must be sent until 23th of September 2022



29-30 th September 2022- first session


Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, 

Freyova 33,

Prague, Hlavní město Praha, CZ, 190 00

Czech Republic




Complete workshops :

- sales techniques,

- public speeches,

- effective projecting of sales  trainings,

-conducting effective ”trainings on the job”  sessions.


Professional preparation to inspiration role  as a Sales Coach:

- Significant  personal and business development,

- Influence  for others,

- New success possibilities.






1. Sales Techniques

     Sales Power Technigues®


         Sales Trainers School. Session I. Sales techniques in practice


2. Projecting  Sales Trainings


Sales Trainer School. Session II. Designing sales trainings


2 days

15-16 September 



3. Conducting Sales Training. Part 1


Sales Trainer School. Session III. Conducting sales trainings. Part 1

4. The Art of Public Speeches

Sales Trainer School. Session IV. The art of public speeches



2 days

29- 30 September




5. Conducting Sales Training. Part 2


Sales Trainer School. Session V. Conducting sales trainings. Part 2


6. Changes Implementation

and Measurement of  Trainings Effectiveness


Sales Trainer School. Session VI. Changes implementation and measurement of trainings effectiveness



2 days

14-15 October



 Total time

 6 days

48 hours=

6 training days


 classroom trainings







Time Requirements


Session I.

Sales techniques in practice

2 training days

more information

Sales Trainers School. Session I. Sales techniques in practice 



Session II.

Designing Sales Trainings

2 training days

 more information

Sales Trainer School. Session II. Designing sales trainings 


Session III.

Conducting Sales Training. Part 1

2 training days

more information

Sales Trainer School. Session III. Conducting sales trainings. Part 1



Session IV.

The Art of Public Speeches

2 training days

more information

Sales Trainer School. Session IV. The art of public speeches



Session V

Conducting Sales Training. Part 2

2  training days

more information

Sales Trainer School. Session V. Conducting sales trainings. Part 2 


Session VI

Changes Implementation and Measurement of  Trainings Effectiveness

2 training days

more information

Sales Trainer School. Session VI. Changes implementation and measurement of trainings effectiveness 







29-30 th September 2022- first session


Price 36 842,11 CZK

Price 1 492, 53 Euro

Price 1 256,73 GBP

Price 1 508,62 USD


 Applications must be sent until 23th of September 2022









All tickets must be purchased 14 days before date of 1st session.



Buy now:




If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask:

email. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Trainings on the job.





Sales Power Coach Academy®

The Complete Sales Trainer School


What makes us different?


The most important advantages:


√ Each of the graduates of our Sales Trainers School receives not only a solid portion of practical knowledge, but also ready-made exercise scenarios that can be successfully used in their training.

Based on our training experience, we conclude that the greatest difficulty for sales trainers is precisely access to proven role play exercises. Young coaches are too often forced to copy their scenarios without being sure what reactions will occur in the training group.  That's why our SPCA Train the trainers school® provides training participants with complete coaching tools,


√ Complete preparation for sales training. Our coaching workshop is up to 12 training days, which gives you the opportunity to carefully prepare for training both by traditional method (conference room) and at the workplace (trainings on the job). The undoubted advantage is also that the participants of the coaching training learn to design their own effective training programs having the opportunity to check them during joint classes,


√ After-training support. Each sales trainer can expect our support after completing the training and our help in conducting their own training based on the SPS methodology®Trainings methods .For new sales trainers, it can also be a valuable help to conduct training together. 


For whom? 

  • Sales directors who want to effectively manage subordinate teams,
  • Sales staff thinking about their further professional development,
  • Inside and corporate trainers who  want  to conduct their own sales training more effectively,
  • Trainers who want to provide their own training for our company.



Sales Trainers School. Session I. Sales techniques in practice

Sales Trainer School. Session II. Designing sales trainings

Sales Trainer School. Session III. Conducting sales trainings. Part 1

Sales Trainer School. Session IV. The art of public speeches

Sales Trainer School. Session V. Conducting sales trainings. Part 2

Sales Trainer School. Session VI. Changes implementation and measurement of trainings effectiveness










    Sales Power Techniques®

    Practical Sales Training by Sales Power School








    We have aspirations to be the best sales and management training company.

    Using our sales personal practice  experience, which has been taken away from many trades, we are experts in professional trainings.





    We want to inspire You. Above all, to change individuals, every institution and companies trade’s behaviours. Generally speaking: everyone, who touched with sales, no matter what way. We advise in practice. Through our effective programs and trainings we help our customers to increase their incomes. On the one hand, we learn how to defend aganist sales manipulations. On the other hand, we ourselves do not use it.


    Business ethics is very important to us. Starting in small retails sales and finishing in big millions contracts in technical sectors we give You practice „Know-How” suitable to Your reality.

    Our coach and advisor team are people possessed practical experience in sales.