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Sales trainings at the workplace

 Trainings on the job.


Implementation of training knowledge in real trade talks

Improving the effectiveness of the talks in a positive, trade-oriented atmosphere

Direct assistance of the trainer in difficult situations

Significant sales and motivation increases


For whom:

√Sales and customer service staff

√Trading advisors

√Technical and commercial advisors

√Experts in the Sales

√Sales Representatives

√Sales managers


Day of the 1st training session


1. Discussion of sales techniques at the workplace

Preparation b) Greeting and opening c) Identification of needs

Overcoming objections and reservations d) Closing sales

2. Motivational coaching- individual session

3. Self-work planning - individual session

4.Designing a script for phone and personal conversations

5. Structure of trade talks in practice

6. Implementation of opening techniques in telephone calls

7. Ability to formulate and ask open questions

Competencies practiced during a job session:

*Preparing for trade talks according to a jointly developed script

*Make an appointment via an effective phone call

* Identifying needs-practical practice of open questioning skills during real conversations

*Language speaking benefits in sales

* Check the ability to compose notes during meetings

*Control of the order process obtained information

* Setting the purpose of S.M.A.R.T*



Day of the 2nd training session


7. Preparing for phone calls with new leads

           8. Script construction, modification and application

9. Making outbound calls to new leads                         

                   10. Analysis of recorded conversations and proposing techniques to improve them                                                                                   

11. Trainer's feedback 

12. Joint visits to new potential customers  


The competencies which are  practiced during a workstation session:


* Motivation to work intensively with customers

* Personal image, which at a later stage can also be adapted to the image of the company -Standardization of the visit

* Quality of your materials and how you present them: catalogues, brochures, price lists, multimedia presentations

*Seller's response to customer price weakness

* Posture and body language. Actual responses to the so-called difficult customer









Agnieszka Schipper 

The Management Board




“I would recommend this training for other companies.

„Why ? ” 

 Theory is exercising in practice, immediately”


Positive attitude to training’s attenders causes that everyone want to try new techniques”



Markus Sajewicz Sp. z o.o.

Michał Sajewicz

Executive Board Member


“Training has been conducting in very pleasant atmosphere,

very substantive.

Great examples of cases and role playing exercises,

both sales and purchasing.


Which issue was most valuable for You?

-Projecting sales phones screenplays

- Sales Techniques:

"How to sell in higher prices"



Sempre Farby Sp. z o.o.

 Katarzyna Fusek

 Area Sales Manager


“Wondering practical workshops, which were not stressful.

 Learning through own mistakes and by role playing exercises.

 Training motivates to work over myself,  breaks stereotypes.

 It mobilises to work, learns faith of my own

 Practical exercises help in reality, after that”



More opinions:









    Sales Power Techniques®

    Practical Sales Training by Sales Power School








    We have aspirations to be the best sales and management training company.

    Using our sales personal practice  experience, which has been taken away from many trades, we are experts in professional trainings.





    We want to inspire You. Above all, to change individuals, every institution and companies trade’s behaviours. Generally speaking: everyone, who touched with sales, no matter what way. We advise in practice. Through our effective programs and trainings we help our customers to increase their incomes. On the one hand, we learn how to defend aganist sales manipulations. On the other hand, we ourselves do not use it.


    Business ethics is very important to us. Starting in small retails sales and finishing in big millions contracts in technical sectors we give You practice „Know-How” suitable to Your reality.

    Our coach and advisor team are people possessed practical experience in sales.