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Trainings Methods
Sales and Managament Trainings by Sales Power School
Why worthy?
Our practice in conducting sales trainings confirms
effectiveness of teaching sales techniques through practice methods.
According to many scientific researches and first off all considering our training workshops observations we can deduce that people remember those things, which :
20 % of what they’ve listened,
30 % of what they’ve seen,
50 % of what they’ve listened and seen together,
70 % of what they've said,
90 % of what they’ve done.
We can find it when we observe sales people. Knowledge alone and overall sales techniques awareness are not enough . Using gained training tips in practice is most difficult. Trying to display it on questions techniques examples. More often sales people have theoretical knowledge about “Rules of questions and their functions in sales pitches”.
The highest problem is using them in practice way.
Through our workshops we teach how to asking questions in practice way: in some kind of way, that our customer want to answer for them.
To implement an effective training process
it is essential that the trainings are designed in an efficient way thrugh assessing the needs.
At Sales Power School® we have chosen sample testing methods:
-Anonymous surveys SPS®,
-visitation of points of sales ,
-consultations with sales managers,
-controuling of sales and marketing.
Our trainings are focused on a variety of measurable and non-measurable objectives.
Projecting trainings for sales departments
-Mystery shopper,
-Playing role as a buyer,
-Individual observation on the job.
Trainings on the jobs can help You in such areas:
– implementation the training knowledge during real trade talks,
- practice your ability in asking open-ended questions during sales visits,
- verify the actual training needs at the workplace,
– customize the program content of subsequent training sessions.
Sales competitions, which are generally developed during our first session:
* Preparing to sales meeting according to projected screenplay
*Making customers appointments by effective phone conversation
* Needs analysis:
Practical exercises according to open ended questions techniques
* Benefits language ( Fab- features, benefits, advantageous)
* Checking writing notes skills during customer meetings
* Information process controlling ( CRM)
* Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals
* Motivation to intensive work with customers
We also research…
-Personal appearance, which will able to adjust according to our company values…Standardization of sales process
- Quality of all marketing materials and way of presenting them:
catalogues, brochures, price lists, multimedia presentations, etc.
-Seller’s reactions when customer weakens us. Does he refer to competitor’s offers at once …?
- Body language and demeanour. Reactions for „difficult customer”
Sales Power School® survey methods to increase efficiency of sales and executive trainings.
It's not just about implementing professional training, but a number of other advisory and consulting activities.
SPS® telephone surveys are an innovative way to improve training processes and your customer satisfaction.
Effective customers feedbacks will allow You to:
– Identify the real needs of all key target customer groups,
– Checking possibilites to customer's acceptation for higher prices,
- Knowing the true prices offered by your most important competitors,
- Identify possible areas for improving sales and customer service processes.
Agnieszka Schipper
The Management Board
“I would recommend this training for other companies.
„Why ? ”
Theory is exercising in practice, immediately”
Positive attitude to training’s attenders causes that everyone want to try new techniques”
Markus Sajewicz Sp. z o.o.
Michał Sajewicz
Executive Board Member
“Training has been conducting in very pleasant atmosphere,
very substantive.
Great examples of cases and role playing exercises,
both sales and purchasing.
Which issue was most valuable for You?
-Projecting sales phones screenplays
- Sales Techniques:
"How to sell in higher prices"
Sheraton Skyline Hotel London Heathrow
Heathrow Airport, Bath Rd, Harlington, Hayes UB3 5BP,
United Kingdom London SE1 2BY United Kingdom