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Attending in thee  I -th session will allow you to develop the following sales trainer's skills:

  • You will understand the sales process in a practical way
  • You will learn the most effective sales techniques
  • You will gain knowledge about specific sales skills



We invite all leaders desiring new challenges to our Sales Trainer School.


Sales Power Coach Academy® is one of authorized training projects

by Sales Power School®  



Session I.

Sales techniques in practice

2 days of training 






1. Sales process characteristic  „Why do we buy ?”


Benefits for training participants : * Acquiring  knowledge about emotional and rational people needs in the context of buying processes 


2. Needs categorization in open and closed trainings


Benefits for training participants * Capture of practical needs categorization in providing successful sales trainings* Development of conducting effective closed trainings according to individual customer expectations* Deep understanding of using Maslow pyramid  in sales trainings


3. Customer typologies versus trainings   effectiveness -popular approaches in training market


Benefits for training participants :

* Acquiring knowledge  allowing to conduct trainings with most effective techniques and methods

* Acquiring advantages and disadvantages of popular training and scientific conceptions in practice way 





  4. Sales conversation’s structure


Benefits for training participants :

*  Knowledge systematization of sales process elements  

*  Development od projecting trainings which concerns on customer service standardization


5. Customer service sales techniques


Benefits for training participants : 

* Understanding differences and similarities  of different sales processes in aspect of sales conversation structure in customer service 

* Gaining knowledge allowing to introduce customer service standardization for companies providing their services in different economy market segments 

6. Preparation for sales conversations and appointments. SPS Methodology ®

Trainer competitions development of providing  sales forces trainings, in direction of :

*Increasing sales appointment effectiveness : quantity of meetings/ quantity of orders * Projecting trainings materials, which could be usefulness for sales managers in effective managing and motivating  * Gaining more quantities of orders through better prepared promotion and marketing materials *  Acquiring  techniques, which influences for visual stimuli*  Reducing time of sales appointments * Skilful uses of  S.M.A.R.T goals in setting sales targets  




7. Needs analysis techniques

Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of :

* Better understanding current and future customers* Acquiring more loyal customers* Eliminating excessive talking in sales conversation “ better effectiveness, reducing appointment time”* Development of practical skills to projecting after training materials in such as forms like SALES POWER GUIDEBOOKS ®


8. Asking questions techniques in sales conversations


Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of :

* Development open ended and closed questions– better effectiveness* Acquiring questions techniques concentrating on needs* Possessing skills to motivate and engage customers for answering*  Developing skills to projecting sales guide books in such as form as Sales Power Question Tips® , which facilitates gaining customer processes




9. Closing and overcoming objections techniques


Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of :

* Knowing methods how to recognize truly and false customer objections

* Meeting techniques how to deal with refusal* Knowing SELL sequences— test  closing  *  Fear and worries elimination for closing* Knowing “ ready to buy” signals * Development of projecting screenplays for direct and phone conversations


10. Active listening techniques in practice


Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of:

*Acquiring knowledge about truly customers buying sources  

* Acquiring paraphrasing techniques skills– customer’s respect * Developing practical listening skills* Gaining verbal and nonverbal interesting skills*

Improving “writing notes skills” during sales appointments and coaching     sessions * Developing  role playing exercise projecting skills according to paraphrasing—using in sales teams* 





11.  Benefits language in sales


Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of :

* Gaining practical skills to speaking benefits language in selling different products and services * Possessing methods to activate our callers * Products faith increasing in workshop’s participants  * Developing skills for customer’s comparing offer A to offer B ( more cheaper)*   Improving skills for conducting trainings using concrete products examples*  Getting possibilities to use trainings materials for train new employers* Developing skills for conducting workshops according to “Technical Sales Proof Model”- organizing closed trainings for technical and advanced technology producers


12. Sales time management


Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of :


* Eliminating unnecessary, no urgent and not important activities

* Providing effective trainings for offers department

*  Getting possibilities to concentrating for more important acts, which brings more often results


Pareto Principle in organizing and managing time in sales* Eliminating fears and frustration as a results of excess acts*  Receiving sales figures growth as a results of better acts prioritization * Concentrating on things making more results* Reducing problematic and making contested orders*     

Eliminating unnecessary sales representative’s appointments as results of wrong prioritization* Better concentrating on targets, not on circumstances * Conducting effective trainings for planning skills






13. Price objections overcoming techniques. Methodology  SPS®


Trainers competitions development of providing trainings for sales forces, in direction of:

*Increasing average prices and margins* Knowing methods allowing to making deals in higher prices from competitors* Sales team successful  motivating for closing deals with more expensive product solutions* Faith increasing in own skills* Understanding techniques  “giving customers concessions in exchange of something”  * Understanding such as  buyer’s manipulation as: “ I need a price” “ I search a price” , etc


14. Sales workshops


Benefits for You:

* Possibilities to use gained knowledge in realistic examples in order to better understanding

* Practical exercising all techniques* solidifying program contents through experience, observation and  case’s analysis 


Sales Trainer School. Session II. Designing sales trainings

Sales Trainer School. Session III. Conducting sales trainings. Part 1

Sales Trainer School. Session IV. The art of public speeches

Sales Trainer School. Session V. Conducting sales trainings. Part 2

Sales Trainer School. Session VI. Changes implementation and measurement of trainings effectiveness






















    Sales Power Techniques®

    Practical Sales Training by Sales Power School








    We have aspirations to be the best sales and management training company.

    Using our sales personal practice  experience, which has been taken away from many trades, we are experts in professional trainings.





    We want to inspire You. Above all, to change individuals, every institution and companies trade’s behaviours. Generally speaking: everyone, who touched with sales, no matter what way. We advise in practice. Through our effective programs and trainings we help our customers to increase their incomes. On the one hand, we learn how to defend aganist sales manipulations. On the other hand, we ourselves do not use it.


    Business ethics is very important to us. Starting in small retails sales and finishing in big millions contracts in technical sectors we give You practice „Know-How” suitable to Your reality.

    Our coach and advisor team are people possessed practical experience in sales.