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Attending the II-th session will allow you to develop the following sales trainer's skills:

  • You will learn how to design professional sales training
  • You will learn how to effectively research needs in structures of sales department
  • You will develop the ability to design role-playing exercises 


We  invite all leaders desiring new challenges to our Sales Trainer School.


Sales Power Coach Academy® is one of authorized training projects

by Sales Power School®




Benefits for You:

* Possessing skills how to project effective training sessions

* Knowing more successful teaching adult learning theories

* Mastering practical skills how to analyse training needs in sales departments in different sectors of economy


1. Sales coach role in development of sales skills


2. Knowledge, skills and attitudes-COMPETITION LACKS IN SALES


3. Adult learning theories in aspect of working with sales teams


4. Training needs analysis in sales management structures– the role and the meaning in effective sales trainings


5. Successfully methods for analysing and researching needs in realization of established targets   


6. Construction of training programme



Benefits for You:

* Mastering skills how to project training programmes and putting them in concrete time frameworks

* Developing of researches methods and techniques   in successful   training needs analysing    

* Possessing practical projecting training skills how to design practical exercises allowing for realization established targets

* Developing competences how to project role playing exercises


7. Role playing exercises. The role and the meaning in sales competitions development

8. Projecting exercises in realization of established  training targets

9.  Training methods how to recreate realistic sales situation in sales team

10. Survey methods in training need analysis 

11. Additional researches tools in successful training process

12. Mystery shopping  in competences lacks researches methods  



Sales Trainer School. Session III. Conducting sales trainings. Part 1

Sales Trainer School. Session IV. The art of public speeches

Sales Trainer School. Session V. Conducting sales trainings. Part 2

Sales Trainer School. Session VI. Changes implementation and measurement of trainings effectiveness


Sales Trainers School. Session I. Sales techniques in practice

Sales Trainer School. Session II. Designing sales trainings







    Sales Power Techniques®

    Practical Sales Training by Sales Power School








    We have aspirations to be the best sales and management training company.

    Using our sales personal practice  experience, which has been taken away from many trades, we are experts in professional trainings.





    We want to inspire You. Above all, to change individuals, every institution and companies trade’s behaviours. Generally speaking: everyone, who touched with sales, no matter what way. We advise in practice. Through our effective programs and trainings we help our customers to increase their incomes. On the one hand, we learn how to defend aganist sales manipulations. On the other hand, we ourselves do not use it.


    Business ethics is very important to us. Starting in small retails sales and finishing in big millions contracts in technical sectors we give You practice „Know-How” suitable to Your reality.

    Our coach and advisor team are people possessed practical experience in sales.